
NPR Tiny Desk Concert: The Haden Triplets

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/03/2014 9:07:07 am PDT

re: #347 ObserverArt

I have a simple 2-part question about all this gun violence and the typical response from the gun nutters saying more guns in the hands of the soldiers at Ft. Hood would have stopped the latest shooting.

Part A. Why did the Army feel for so many decades there was no reason for everyone on base to be carrying?

Part B. Why for so many many years did a majority of Americans feel they could get through the day without carrying a gun to protect themselves from all the bad guys? (And to properly answer, one needs to consider FBI crime rates show that overall crime is down over the last couple decades).

Now, after pondering some answers to those…consider that over the past 20 years there have been more and more calls for people to arm themselves and in the same time these spree/mass shootings are becoming more and more common. More gun shooting for stupid stuff like road rage and settling a simple argument. More shootings in domestic violence cases, more shooting due to poor gun storage and handling.

Simply put…does it seem that the more America arms itself the more shootings increase? Does it seem the more guns there are the more incidents like the ex-cop shooting the movie phone text guy we see? More shootings of innocent people like those in trouble or in an accident and going up to a strangers house to ask for help? More shootings from police overreaction thinking others have a gun?

See where I am going with this?

So, in all reality…can we construe there are more shootings when there are more people thinking they have to have a gun to protect themselves? Can we say that even with more people being armed there are more killings?

It sure seems with more and more pro-gun thinking and ‘they’re coming after your guns’ scare tactics we see more shootings? In the time the NRA has gone all political and against any type of gun control it actually appears they have done a big disservice to ALL Americans with their politics - even those that buy into thinking they are safer with a gun. Stats (if they were allowed to be really collected and analyzed) would probably show no one is safer with more guns.

Can we say the gun nuts are in fact nuts and the current NRA may be one of the worst things that ever happened to ALL, even gun owners?

The NRA does the nation a disservice when it relies on fear of guns being confiscated by Democratic presidents whether his name be Clinton or Obama to get people to give them more money, buy more guns, etc. I’m sick of the NRA and like minded groups implying that if you don’t like or own a gun that it makes you less of an American. I got nothing against the individual who wants to protect themselves or their family, enjoys hunting or target shooting, or even likes collecting old guns from a bygone era but I don’t like guns and not wanting them in my household doesn’t make me less of an American despite what that pathetic shithead LaPierre believes.