
Senate Democrats Reject GOP Scheme to Defund Planned Parenthood

Targetpractice9/25/2015 7:09:39 am PDT

re: #341 Higgs Boson’s Mate

They know what they’re getting into: another hundred or so votes to repeal ACA, a Constitutional Amendment to grant extended protections to the exercise of religious conscience, a bill to withdraw from the treaty with Iran, numerous bills outlawing abortion, a bill to privatize Social Security and hand the Trust Fund over to Goldman-Sachs, several flat tax bills…

As odd as it may sound, I think a year from now, we’ll be looking back on Boehner’s speakership and remarking that at least he kept the crazier of the House GOP’s notions in check. Because whoever replaces him is gonna be under pressure to let the freak flag fly.