
Green Day's Powerful New Video for "Troubled Times"

Interesting Times1/17/2017 10:23:12 am PST

re: #330 electrotek

Holy fucking shit, how stupid are these white women?

Read this, it explains everything:

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, most political consultants still assume that there’s a middle ground of reasonable voters out there to be claimed. …None of the strategies to win the “moderate middle” succeeded this year because there are very few actual “moderate” voters left. So-called “moderate” voters often simply have extremist policy preferences that don’t line up neatly with the division between America’s two parties.

Most crucially, “swing” voters tend to be the least informed voters in the electorate. Partisans on both sides tend to know far more about politics than the undecided voters in the alleged middle.

These are the so-called “undecideds” who broke so heavily for Pumpkin Pinochet in the week before the election. And yes, to win again, Democrats need to figure out a message that breaks through such willful and abject dumbassery.