
Video: The Creationist in Charge of Education in Texas

b_sharp3/12/2010 12:53:22 pm PST

re: #208 Charles

I don’t agree with this at all.

The reason why the religious fanatics are all lathered up is because they’re losing power over the lives of other people, and they’re becoming increasingly desperate to regain that power.

Though I agree in principle, that argument is a bit shallow. They are afraid that they are losing the power to guarantee the type of education and environment given their children and the education they are currently receiving will lead them astray of their chance for heaven. Likewise the environment. Like most people they want their kids to be happy, and because of their religious beliefs they want their kids to reach heaven after death.

I disagree with their beliefs but I understand their fears for their children, because I too want the best for my kids and grandkid. I want them to do the best they can now because this life is all they get. This is also why I don’t want them to have any control.