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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/03/2010 6:32:36 pm PDT

Doing some wide-span trawling for creationism in the news (just in the last week), and noticing quite a bit in the small-town papers/websites.

Being a coastal elite I’m out of touch with the real people, who live in Sarah-land, so I’ve got to do some research via the ‘net, but it’s looking as if there is yet another groundswell of interest out there on the subject.

E.g., The Batavian, which I gather is an online news site to service some rural areas of NY, though the founder is from San Diego, is running the article Evangelist talks dinos, bones and more at Batavia church, and is pimping this video (warning NSFMH)*:

Youtube Video!

I conclude that us coastal elites have to be ever mindful that we are a minority in this country, and that the masses are creationists, or at least creationist sympathizers.

I bring this up for several reasons, not the least of which that the surging Tea Partyism in our political debates is connected to creationism, and the latest selectee of The Sarah’s is a legislator from MN who is a creationist, who has plenty of other backward ideas, who is being pimped right now with great effort by the right-o-sphere (after The Sarah’s blessings.)

* (NSFMH) = Not Safe For Mental Health