
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)5/20/2010 11:12:38 pm PDT

Would giving operators of private business that are nevertheless “places of public accommodation” the permission to discriminate “on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin” not be a tacit admission of the idea that some private businesses may have reasonable economic interests to these kind of discriminations, and therefore also to the idea that ideologies such as racism have an at-least somewhat true economic and defensible foundation? I find the idea of this kind of class warfare, occuring in the form of racism during the economically troubled times of today quite unsettling…

The kind of radicalism Rand Paul advocates is mind-blowingly naive. The idea that property rights should take an absolute precedence over any other rights in all circumstances would have to entitle slave owners to their slaves as their property. It would, of course, also have to give all women the right to abortion, but I guess giving women ownership over their own bodies is not right-wing enough.

What Paul seems to advocate is defending businesses against the government in such an absolute stance that it would bar the government from defending itself against businesses and from being able to protecting individuals from businesses. He does not want the government to mingle with a private corporation, but he seems to be okay with the goverment mingling with an individual’s private life.