
Overnight Video: Monstrous Wildlife - Graboids

Killgore Trout8/07/2010 10:37:19 am PDT
I see that none of you have spoken to many blacks about this. This is going over big time in the black community. The black people I know are telling me they think, “you go girl, keep on spending the white man’s money”. They feel that Michelle is sticking it to the man and she should just keep spending and spending since it isn’t their money, it is the government’s money and the man never paid reparations. So they think it is great that she and Obama are taking trips and vacations They are getting satisfaction living through what Obama and Michelle are doing.
Say what you want but consider the truth. This is helping Obama big time in the black community.

pwb on August 7, 2010 at 12:30 PM

Good god.