
Clint Eastwood's Superbowl Commercial: It's Halftime in America

A Mom Anon2/06/2012 5:19:15 am PST

re: #343 Decatur Deb
Your daughter is lucky to have you. I have had zero family support. My inlaws mean well,but they live 800 miles away and have missed most of the kid’s childhood. They THINK they know what the deal is,but they really don’ family is RWNJ central,I have only recently re-established a superficial relationship with my parents after a 10 yr estrangement(my folks are also evangelical christians and think I’m an evil demon devil worshipper,long,long story). I think things would have been alot different for the kid with some decent family support system in place. Sigh. The best bit of advice I would give is to help your granddaughter make and keep these early friendships for as long as possible,it will make the upper grades easier. All my son’s friends bailed on him once he got to 7th grade,it’s been heartbreaking. He literally has NO friends,and it’s not because he doesn’t try. I do not get why it’s so accepted that kids are so mean to each other,like it’s normal. It isn’t,not if caring adults create a community where it isn’t accepted and not tolerated.