
Olbermann: Trump's DACA Decision Is a Grim Turning Point

Blind Frog Belly White9/06/2017 3:52:34 pm PDT

re: #315 Brian J.

As for the ARRA, you’ve obviously forgotten the cries of PORKULUS! SOLYNDRA! and all the rest that were bellowed by Republicans and many Democrats, especially since the incoming Administration had underestimated the depth of the Great Recession, resulting in an economy that did not meet the projections Obama confidently produced in 2009. That’s when we not only lost the House but the states, resulting in hostile redistricting that will punish Democrats for years, maybe even decades, to come.

If you want to accomplish anything, you need to be clear with yourself about how popular your ideas are as a package, and not promise more than you can deliver. Otherwise, your party will pay and pay and pay.

And right there, he moved the goalposts.