
Some More News: How Cops Are Trained to Shoot You in Your Home [VIDEO]

Belafon11/06/2019 6:02:24 pm PST

Hedge fund managers warn that if Warren is elected, the stock market will tank. Wall Street Democrat Steven Rattner insists that “a Warren presidency is a terrifying prospect,” lamenting Warren’s targeting of “Many of America’s global champions, like banks and tech giants,” not to mention the effects her policies would have on “Private equity, which plays a useful role in driving business efficiency.” Horrors!

Meanwhile, billionaire investor Leon Cooperman told Politico, “I believe in a progressive income tax and the rich paying more. But this is the f—ing American dream she is sh—ing on.”

As Anand Giridharadas notes, when plutocrats push back on proposals to increase their taxes, they never say what really motivates them, which is simply that they don’t want to pay higher taxes. Instead, the argument is always about how, if we tax them more, then we will only be depriving ourselves of the fruits of their beneficence….

But it’s clear in the venomous reactions Warren produces from the plutocrat class that they want not only to be able to be taxed and regulated as lightly as possible, they want to be told they deserve every bit of wealth and power they have.

Warren does not offer that reassurance; quite the opposite. She says that the system has been shaped by the wealthy to advance their own interests, and if you’re one of them, you have an obligation to contribute more. And she’s happy to mock or insult the billionaire class along the way…