
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Killian Bundy2/15/2009 7:41:26 pm PST

re: #270 lawhawk

Ah, but grasshopper, if you pass the first bill and it doesn’t work within 48 hours, you get to consider porkfest 2, Son of Offal. Twice the pork for twice the price.

So, even when you have the NYT admit that the tax provisions are the part of this bill that would result in immediate tax relief, and happen to be the prime area where Democrats cut corners, they’ll cheer lead and cover for Obama who used a shotgun approach to spend on ever pet project anyone ever had hoping that something works just in time for the next election (SS/DD).

The calls and other correspondence were at least 9/1 against.

/fool me once … after already a trillion dollars more of national debt I don’t think we’re gonna get to fool me twice