
Overnight Open Thread

Oh no...Sand People!3/29/2009 1:33:38 am PDT

re: #344 BatGuano

I’m going to be nice: Pelosi is challenged in a way that apparently is indescribable.We have words that might encompass her imbecility but we may not use language that demeans others. How in the name of holy hell can we fully describe her stupidity without demeaning the innocent? I put it to you!

Nefarious. Vile. Foul. Putrid. Botox’d. Facelifted. Fake. Corrupt. Repugnant. Lecherous. Political leper. Mentally Botox’d to no effect. Unworthy of a Boston Curb.

/oops… no offense to any lepers. That IS tough to do…