
Overnight Bird

NJDhockeyfan11/18/2009 7:15:56 am PST

Think this may be a wee bit over the top?

“Hit the Bitch!” Danish Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign

People, sometimes I don’t even know. I don’t even know. And this is one of those times. Both Katie C. and our tech genius, Jon, sent us a link to a post at AdFreak about Hit the Bitch!, a domestic violence awareness campaign thought up by a Dutch Danish advocacy group. The website allows you, in the guise of an apparently male hand, to beat the crap out of a woman, either by using a mouse or your own hands if you have a webcam:

The woman gets increasingly bruised and bloodied as you hit her. I forced myself to try the site and hit her twice, and it was honestly sickening to watch her head jerk backward or to the side and hear the sound of the slap and her reacting. At the top, a counter keeps track; you start out as 100% Pussy, 0% Gangsta, but your Gangsta rating goes up every time you hit her:

Apparently, though, when you get up to where you’d be at 100% Gangsta, it instead says 100% Idiot, as though this is a real put-down that is going to make you think really seriously about domestic violence.