
Thursday Afternoon Music: Tommy Emmanuel, 'Tall Fiddler'

iceweasel2/04/2010 6:53:01 pm PST

re: #342 Dark_Falcon

You’re right about the abuse. Take the stalkers for instance: With me or Killgore they just use conventional insults. But when its been you or Sharmuta being attacked the attacks are often in the realm of violent or sexual fantasies. It sees that when some men get angry at woman on the net, they unleash their misogyny and spew attacks that seem to be themed “Know Your Place!”. Chauvinism is alive and well on the net, though not at LGF.

Yep. There’s a great piece by Joan Walsh about what happened to tech blogger Kathy Sierra: (highly recommend)
Men who hate women on the Web

On the lighter side, there’s this, which I always used to post whenever some troll would chastise me in terms like “Know Your Place”:
Women! Know Your Limits!

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