
Video: Fox News Pimps Creationist Grievance-Mongering and Book-Banning

albusteve4/09/2010 5:52:03 pm PDT

re: #340 Liet_Kynes

I don’t know. You don’t believe in a personal God. That is to say that you don’t believe that god is a person or a being. That doesn’t make you an atheist.

Do you believe in an impersonal god(s)? That is to say do you live your life according to a rule/force/virtue that you believe to be universal and necessary to adhere to in order to live a good life and if you don’t your life will be very bad? If so that is your impersonal god.

whoa….did you make that up?…I’ve never heard the term impersonal god, but ho w can a life a virture prove an impersonal god?….have you altered the definition of god?