
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/16/2010 4:29:26 pm PST

re: #323 fraxinus americana

Why explain? With your 2 posts to me you seem to be projecting oh so well. But hey as long as we are just degrading that ‘fat fuck’ Rush on this thread then by all means keep degrading.

On the contrary, I have been making some very strong points about that fat bastard Rush.

I have pointed out that for a man who speaks to so many “Christians” he has a very un-Christian view towards helping the poor and marital fidelity.

I have pointed out that by the standard of actual Abrahamic religion, he is actually an evil pig.

I have pointed out that his shameless race baiting is bad enough, but his smirking plays at innocence are just insulting to the intelligence and fool no one. They don’t fool his listeners because he fuels their own hatreds and they hear him loud and clear. They don’t even fool you.

I’ve also pointed out that you are a pretty lame troll.

What I am interested in is your response to these actual facts and an explanation of why you defend that evil bastard.