
Making Trayvon's Skittles and Ice Tea Criminally Suspect

makeitstop7/20/2013 12:29:20 pm PDT

re: #33 A Mom Anon

I think that if the winguts, even for one moment, showed compassion for Trayvon, or admitted his murderer was in the wrong, then they’d have to admit that they themselves are wrong and racist. And we can’t have that now can we kiddies?

I will say this though, man oh man has this weeded a whole bunch of people out of my life or put them out in the back 40 somewhere.

That’s probably the worst part of what this trial has brought out - the realization that long-time friends and people that you consider good folks turn out to be pretty racist in their thinking.

It’s an eye-opener. So many people have shown their true colors over this. It’s saddening.