
Saturday Night Jam: Basement Jaxx - What a Difference Your Love Makes

FurryNavyDude9/21/2013 8:28:58 pm PDT

re: #16 goddamnedfrank

Very fucked up.

Full disclosure: I was class of ‘88. In 1985, I was on the powerlifting team with a couple of guys, (I was a Plebe at the time and they were upperclassmen), who participated in a “train” with a female Midshipman. Apparently she “consented,” but even so, every single one of those guys was booted out within a month.

I’m wondering if we have actually gone backward here in the last decade.

USNA had not been infected with the evangelical virus the way USAFA had been in the 80’s, but still…I’m wondering if things got worse with that kinda shit after I left. The fundies seem to think along the same lines as hard core Islamists.