
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

HRH Stanley Sea3/09/2014 1:10:46 pm PDT

re: #32 Ming

Excellent Esquire article. More Americans need to speak up about this. It’s really incredible, what almost happened in 2008. A stunning American vulnerability, and we need to (finally) deal with it head-on.

One of the comments sticks with me…..

Glennis Waterman * Top Commenter * Sycamore High School
I have to say, I watched her lead-in to reading “Green Eggs and Ham”, and the part where she invokes her son Trig is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever heard. “Lucky little fella” she said, smirking, and with resentment simmering beneath. That’s the tone strung-out babysitters use moments before shoving the kid’s face into the oatmeal bowl; that’s the tone baby-kissing pols use when a kid bursts into tears before them. That is not the tone a mother would use when referring to her own child. Also, the fact that this whole outpouring of bile is framed as a bedtime reading to him….It made my skin crawl, really.

There is something especially nasty about Sister Sarah. I know she’s in it for the money, but it comes from her heart - she’s not acting.