
Creationist Neurosurgeon Ben Carson: Legal Abortions Are Exactly Like Human Sacrifice

klys (maker of Silmarils)7/01/2014 7:22:54 pm PDT

re: #33 geoffm33

Serious question: Did the SCOTUS have the ability to modify the “list” of covered BC options or was it an all or nothing type thing? ie: Did they simply rule that HL et al have the right to restrict the BC options or did they say they can restrict a particular set of options?

Based on the answer to the above, my real question is did the knowingly leave vasectomies on the table while removing IUD’s. As they are identical forms of BC to my way of thinking. With the exception that most (all?) IUD’s are removable, whereas a vasectomy is typically permanent.

The court clarified this morning that the ruling applied to all forms of contraception, but I believe that for insurance purposes vasectomies are treated entirely differently and are still on the table. And, in fact, Hobby Lobby covers them just fine, along with Viagra.

It really is all about the ladybits.