
Thursday Evening Acoustic Jam: Preston Reed, "Delayed Train"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/07/2014 5:40:00 pm PDT

There are lots of backwards places in this world, some have more money than others and it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference:

Activists slam findings of Saudi sexual harassment study

A study conducted by a research center in Saudi Arabia has garnered mixed views amongst commentators, after 80 percent of people in the national survey attributed an increase in harassment to the “deliberate flirtatious behavior” of women.

The survey, undertaken by the King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue in Riyadh, quizzed 992 participants across the country. Roughly equal numbers of men and women were surveyed.

Many of those questioned said women deliberately wore their clothes and makeup to attract male attention, while a majority of 91 percent said “lack of religious restraint” is another reason behind gender-based harassment in the Kingdom.
