
Phil Robertson Fantasizes About Atheist Family Being Raped and Murdered

CuriousLurker3/24/2015 9:14:38 pm PDT

I’ll repeat: It is the presence of a functioning, secular government that keeps them in check, not their religious or folkloric beliefs.

As with ISIS, anyone who disagrees with their worldview, with what they believe their religion tells them, is fair game for being raped, castrated, beheaded, burnt alive, whatever. They simply can’t act out here because they’d go to jail.

As I’ve said before, I’ve lived with religious extremism up close & personal. They believe with all of their twisted, dark little hearts that they are 100% correct and righteous because they alone possess The Truth.™ That is why I can’t stand them and get so pissed when people lump all believers together with people like that.

It’s like, “Fuck off. Go live with some fundies 24/7 for a few years, then come back and talk shit to me about how awful the average believer is.”

Okay, now I’m thoroughly annoyed over the crappy memories this is dredging up, so I’m gonna walk away from this discussion now.