
R.E.M. to Trump and the GOP: "Go F*ck Yourselves"

CuriousLurker9/09/2015 8:34:25 pm PDT

OT Drive-by: This should be more than enough to cause RWNJs on both sides of the Atlantic to panic and start seriously losing their shit.

Coming exodus

However, it is unclear if even this wide-ranging deal - which seems to have won the backing of key members Germany and France - will be able to remedy the crisis with EU President Donald Tusk on Tuesday warning that the refugee “exodus” could last for years to come.

“The wave of migration is not a one-time incident but the beginning of a real exodus, which only means that we will have to deal with this problem for many years to come,” Tusk said. […]

EXODUS—they’re comingggggg—so begins EURABIAAAA!!11! They’re bringing their Sharia and North America is next. WTF didn’t you dhimmi idiots listen to us?? Have fun paying the jizya and you wimmins better stock up on headscarves. NOWHERE IS SAFE—HOLY WAR—NUKE THEM BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

Or something along those lines. //