
Video: Mitt Romney "Would Have Dropped to His Knees" for My Endorsement

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN3/03/2016 12:15:14 pm PST

In the previous thread a couple of posters wondered about what might or might not have happened if Al Gore had been sworn in as President. (We know damn well he was elected). The anti-terrorism policies of the Clinton administration would have continued, and I believe there is a good chance that 9/11 would not have happened (no guarantees, but Clinton/Gore were far more focused on terrorism). Instead the George W. Bush administration stocked the NSC with cold warriors who were oriented to the rivalry with China and the Russian Federation. Terrorism expert Richard Clarke (I think that was his name) was first marginalized and then shoved out the door. Again, I don’t know it the authorities would have connected the dots any better during a Gore administration, but at least he wouldn’t have blown off a “Bin Laden determined to strike in America” warning.