
The Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse Yet

majii4/01/2016 6:18:20 pm PDT

This is the second time Trump has bombed on expressing his opinion about abortion this week, and both times it happened when he was face-to-face with the person who was talking to him. I’m getting the feeling that Trump doesn’t perform well under the slightest bit of pressure and has problems expressing himself in real-time interviews, hence his tendency to do phone-in interviews. He definitely does not look like the winner he claims to be. Dude can hardly explain his ideas. A major fail. This probably explains why he repeats a set of talking points at every campaign he makes. His response in this interview is 100% gobbledygook. I’ve read it several times, and I still don’t know the point he’s trying to make. He is the ultimate bullsh*tter. On steroids.