
Seth Meyers: Trump Goes on Vacation While His Team Debuts So-Called "Real News"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/08/2017 12:54:13 am PDT

re: #31 JordanRules

- reach out to NPR and see what the landscape looks like for a wider signal

I’m not sure what the station could do. It’s in Chadron, ninety miles away.

- research regional papers for alternatives and how we can distribute those if there are any worth it

The next nearest papers would be the Cheyenne Tribune-Eagle or the Denver Post, neither of which covers issues here. The county paper here only covers county issues.

- research any grants that push internet access to rural areas and consider some targeted subscriptions (library, a few houses etc)

My wife did that for two years, including using the fund set up for the FCC to distribute funding to rural areas. We have access, it just costs too much (much like the GOP “healthcare” plan). The FCC plan is such a cluster that she gave up after two years trying to get funding, and the library already has Internet service. (The fund doesn’t pay for service, it pays only part of it. The GOP is targeting it for elimination anyway. There are consultants that will help you navigate the FCCs requirements but it turns out they cost more than what you get from the FCC. She wrote the Gates Foundation about getting one new computer - they originally supplied the village library two on a grant back in Windows 95 days, but they turned down her grant request.)

- remind AM that nobody comes to the South Side of Phoenix to interview us about this Admin, but I’ve seen tons of pieces about the ONLY working class, aka Drumpf supporters

I’m still waiting for someone, anyone, anywhere, to interview a Hillary Clinton supporter living in a Trump territory. The media in its desperation to normalise the Orange Terror have not yet interviewed all the Trump supporters who cast ballots from overseas or outer space yet.