
Video: John Oliver Turns His Pitiless Yet Hilarious Gaze on Rudy Giuliani

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)5/07/2018 6:41:02 pm PDT

re: #30 Blind Frog Belly White

North was guilty, but got off on a technicality, which is the kind of thing the Right used to claim to hate.

If you really want to follow this down the rabbit hole…

Ollie North funneled weapons to Iran so they’d release American hostages. They knew it was wrong. But the RWNJs needed Reagan to get re-elected, and they absolutely feared him looking like Jimmy Carter, emasculated by Iranian hostage-takers.

Said weapons tipped the balance of power in the war against Iraq. Iran started winning.

In a panic, we started quietly funneling weapons to a dictator named Saddam Hussein so he could fight off the Iranians. Hussein used some of that to gas his own people and turned the tide.

A few years later, Hussein, still thinking he had carte blanche because he’d carried water for the U.S., invaded Kuwait …

… you all can take it from there.