
Holocaust Denier Chuck C. Johnson Loses Lawsuit Against Twitter on Anti-SLAPP Motion

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/06/2018 9:00:52 am PDT

re: #13 Sir John Barron

“We smoke because we’re not politically correct.”

I really put a bunch of people’s brains in a twist here when I bought a carton of Fantasia’s from the smoke shop in Sidney (think the coloured cigarettes from Tank Girl).

Like owning guns, liberals also smoke cigarettes. There really isn’t a whole lot of imagination with that crew.

Meanwhile, the fever swamp known as Conservative Internet has themselves a brand-new conspiracy (read: derp) involving Peter Strzok and texts.

‘Oconus Lures’, Straight From Conspiracy Reddit To Grandpa President’s Jitterbug Phone! (Wonkette)

Expect it on FOX by tomorrow. It’s already all over Reddit’s r/conspiracy, which Donald Trump follows.

OCONUS could mean two things when referring to an FBI agent: a) stationed outside the Lower 48, or b) a brand of fishing lures. I’m guessing it’s not the latter.

Therefore, Derpland is going with c) There were “lures” in the Trump campaign a year before there was an FBI investigation.