
Next-Level Vocals: Michael Mayo, "20/20"

ckkatz8/23/2020 10:24:08 pm PDT


re: #30 bratwurst

Is there any way we can acknowledge how deeply awful Kellyanne Conway is, as well as her role in the most dangerous and disgusting presidency ever, while also giving her minor child the benefit of the doubt?

I do not imagine for one moment this person is above using her daughter as a pawn in her scheme to escape a sinking ship. Even so, I feel like the possibility that there is a genuinely troubled young person at the heart of this is reason enough to take a step back.

If you have never experienced a family crisis (or in my case, been the cause of one), consider yourself lucky. If there is a 1% chance this is totally what it appears to be, that is enough for me to demonstrate a level of human decency. If you disagree, I won’t argue with you…but I wish you’d reconsider.

I am a mediocre human being at best, but I aspire to be better than anyone who works for Trump. That is what I am going for here.

I agree with your sentiments on the Conways.

I have never met any of the Conway family. However, based upon her professional and public activity, I detest Kellyanne Conway. And I hope that she does jail time.

But I dont agree with the folks who are trying to push buttons on a 15 year old girl in order to shiv her parents.

I see a bunch of humans not a bunch of memes and stereotypes.

Girls often go through a developmental stage in their mid-to-late teens where they begin to separate from their parents on the road to becoming an individual. It often involves a lot of drama from the teen. Who is trying to work out in her own mind what is going on. And it usually ages the parents of that teen a good bit.

Attempting to use a 15 year old girl, in order to destroy she and her family, for one’s own political purposes strikes me as sociopathic. And socially irredeemable.