
Krauthammer: When Austria Mocks You, You're Having a Bad Week

Killgore Trout4/11/2009 8:38:05 am PDT

OT: Here’s a curious story…..
Extremist terrorist threatens multiple beheadings. Media Silent.

One story you probably won’t have heard recently is the attempted terrorist attack on Glasgow Central Mosque. Neil MacGregor has pleaded guilty to not only trying to blow up Scotland’s biggest Mosque but also threatening to behead one Muslim a week until there are no more Mosques in Scotland.
It’s a shocking attack with extremely sinister objectives. Surely if anything is newsworthy then this is it? Yet there’s been barely a peep from any media outlets. I wonder why there has been no press coverage on this at all. Would it be different if it was a Muslim extremist trying to blow up a church or synagogue? The sentencing will be tomorrow morning.

Their link goes to a series of blog posts, nothing substantial. Google search: Neil MacGregor
show a few result from Pakistani sources about the mosque bombing but nothing from a reputable source. The British Museum Director’s name is Neil MacGregor.
I find it hard to believe this story could be true and there’s a complete media blackout on it. I guess MPACUK is just trying to distract from the Easter weekend plot that just got busted.