
Drudge and the Deniers

SixDegrees11/27/2009 1:23:01 pm PST

re: #4 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Would it be irony if the environmentalists started lobbying to get Nuke plants built?

A few are starting to come around to that point of view. NPR had someone labeled as an environmentalist on just last week, saying we ought to be pushing nuclear plant construction not just in the US, but worldwide. Sounds like a plan to me. We can do nuclear right now, out of the box, without any new discoveries. If some workable alternative comes along later, that’s great. But it isn’t here yet, while demand for energy continues to rise.

Unfortunately, there is a significant fraction of the environmental movement who are extreme Luddites at their core, who believe, for instance, that North America can and should only support about 200,000 people living off uncooked twigs and berries. To them, nuclear power is a powerful symbol of modern technology, and something to be disparaged and opposed as a result.

I figure it’s time to give this latter group a few thousand acres in North Dakota, where they can hunker down with the coyotes and occasional bison for warmth during the long, cold winters and live the idyllic life without fire, sanitation and rational thought they so fervently dream of.