
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 2:51:52 pm PST

re: #18

I’ve not paid enough attention to know about the “preferential” treatment part.

But it seems that information could be obtained from other sources, not just from Lamo’s chat logs, if it’s true.

Of course reine you may be correct.
Do you have any links?

So it can be true that:
Manning received preferential treatment, evidence to be had from other sources, and
There is no additional relevant info in the chat logs,
Greenwald’s position is in no way supported by the lack of additional relevant information in the chat logs.

W know the FBI did take Lamo’s computer.

Its Greenwalds contention that Assange was not a co-conspirator.
Lamo seemed to claim he was, through giving him special treatment.

This is the only info I have seen that suggests the co-conspirator role.

And so far unless you can help me it is the only info available that suggested the co-conspirator role, which now it apparently does not.