
Gun Control for Me, Not for Thee

Kragar1/11/2011 1:34:36 pm PST

Bryan Fischer is a disgusting waste of skin

Giffords must be blamed for her own shooting, and for all six deaths, because she has been an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment and its guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms. She celebrated recent Supreme Court victories for the Second Amendment. Who is at fault here? Well, according to the wingers on the left, we need look no further than Rep. Giffords. Based on their own template, she has no one to blame but herself.

Okay, that was easy. The Democrats, without apparently realizing it, have fixed the blame for the shooting deaths on Rep. Giffords herself. So we have at least one person on whom we may clearly and unambiguously, using the left’s template, fix the blame for this massacre.

But the left is also blindly and unwittingly blaming itself. Sarah Palin posted one map with a bulls-eye on Giffords’ district, as a district to target in the 2010 elections. The bulls-eye, you will be careful to note, was placed over her district, not over her face. So Ms. Palin is to blame, for viciously stirring up hatred, vitriol, and violence against innocent human beings by using maps with targets on them.

But there at least three maps Democrats have produced which have bulls-eyes on them. You can see Palin’s map and two of the Democrats’ maps here, one produced by the Democratic Leadership Committee and the second by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. These maps, as Palin’s did, identify electoral targets. Okay, that was easy. The blame, then, for Saturday’s shooting rests with the leadership of the Democrat Party.