
Egypt Updates: February 10, 2011

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance2/10/2011 9:57:30 am PST

re: #25 Talking Point Detective


but Mubarak stepping down without a violent overthrow is a pretty big deal, considering that just a few weeks ago he reigned over a brutally oppressive police state with impunity. This is a huge signal to the people of the ME that they can oust repressive dictators through essentially non-violent action. Obviously, we don’t know the ultimate outcome, but this a huge deal and it is certainly possible - given how the military has acted so far and given their general popularity with most Egyptians - that the military will usher in a far superior government to the one which has been forced out.

Looking at it that way, this is a big blow to the Al Qaeda types as well because this was done not through terrorism and fear but everyday people standing up.