
Wingnut Fail Continues: Power Line Insists GW Bush Issued 'Easter Proclamations'

wrenchwench4/26/2011 10:55:43 am PDT

Hinderaker is such an asshole. His theme is, “Nobody knows what Obama believes.” And he impugns liberals in the first sentence by saying,

Liberals often express dismay over the fact that a significant minority of Americans believe that President Obama is a Muslim—or tell pollsters they do, anyway.

I added the emphasis because he added the assholery. And to top off his display of partisanship we have:

On the internet, various left-wing sites—led, I believe, by Little Green Footballs…

This is a left wing site? Shows what perspective he’s commenting from. He has to ask Attila to lean back a bit, he’s blocking the view.