
Southern Poverty Law Center Intel Report: Jihad Against Islam

SanFranciscoZionist6/22/2011 7:14:27 pm PDT

re: #28 CuriousLurker

I did see your page on the Qabbani, but I pretty much stopped reading and went elsewhere when I got to the “trash” part because that language coming from a Mufti made me very uncomfortable. I don’t know a lot about the situation in Lebanon with the Palestinians, but it can’t be good if he was that pissed in a public enough way to make international news.

The Palestinian situation in Lebanon is weird. As is the Palestinian situation everywhere else. They have very limited civil rights, and are sort in a state of permanent limbo. There’s a lot of resentment both ways. The Lebanese insist that they can’t give them full citizenship rights, because that would a. just encourage the Israelis and b. upset the careful religious and ethnic balance that Lebanon maintains in an effort to preclude another vicious civil war.