
By semi-popular demand: I'm Curious to why any Jew (or the Israeli state!) Would Cozy up to Evangelical Christians.

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/06/2011 5:22:40 pm PST

re: #34 Buck

No it does NOT refer to just those who feel that way.
He says: “I’m Curious to why any Jew (or the Israeli state!) Would Cozy up to Evangelical Christians.”

In the headline. In the actual full sentence, the period is not there. You prefer to ignore that, because it suits you.

If you really think that the title and that first sentence refers to a minority or a fringe, or even need to dial back you meds.

Charming. You’ve gotten more and more personal lately, Buck. Why?

He doesn’t. He doesn’t talk about the fringe. He uses the word fringe, once… while also using the words “vast majority”.

He refers to the vast majority of the fringe.

You can’t simultaneously claim he doesn’t talk about the fringe, and then immediately acknowledge he does, you know.

See how that works? You say “Not all evangelical Christians have anything like that desire”, but then you generalize about ALL conservative Catholics.

Er, no, I don’t. There may be conservative Catholics who don’t think gay people are sinning by having gay sex, but they’re clearly in the small minority, given that the actual position of the whole Catholic church, let alone the conservative part of it, is that gay behavior is sinful and reprehensible.

Likewise, there may be Evengelical Christians who don’t think that Jews will have to convert in order to be saved from damnation, but they’re nowhere near the majority. It is the theological position of the churches, that they have to be.