
Yet Another Sickening Deluge of Overt Racism at

Eclectic Cyborg6/29/2012 12:30:42 pm PDT

re: #7 dragonfire1981

Better prepare the beaches, there’s probably a second wave coming in soon:

Michelle Obama cites Jesus as a model for Democratic Organizing

And yep, there we are right on cue, courtesy of Fox Nation:

The gospel according to someone who has no clue what she is talking about. Great.

Moochelle would have thrown a bunch of rocks at Christ, when he asked.. “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. She’s totally pandering.

I get it now, why didn’t I see this before? Michelle does think Barry is Jesus, the one to lower the level of the seas and heal the nations, the promised messiah has returned in the form of Barry.

Jesus heard her speech as was stunned …… he didn’t know warthogs could speak

These people make me sick. Talking about truth when their entire life is nothing but a lie, and about amassing power over others. There is nothing sacred to people like the Obama’s, and that’s the truth.

When a liberal speaks for Christ, you know he/she is lying.

So, the wife of the Prince of Darkness, praises the word of Christ, four months before the election.

And the Obama minions did America get to this point?

It’s called b l a c k liberation theology and has no basis in the gospels. Let’s point the finger of responsibility where it belongs.

What doe this m u s l i m know about J e s u s????????????????????

She actually believes in a pedophile , who created a religious cult that oppresses women, advocates murder, hate and racism to justify his lust for having s ex with children. And also promised 72 virgins after death if you followed his cult. Or was that one 72 year old virgin?

Was there any report of the Church walls crumbling when she walked through the doors???

MIchelle Obama is a perfect example of Baracks poor judgement when making decisions
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The only good thing about dating someone who looks like Michelle Obama is with teeth like hers you don’t have to go far to open your beer.


Four years …. fortunes spent trying to make her worldly …. a lot of lipstick …. and it’s still a pig

The First HO has spoken, all hail the word of Obama. HA HE HA HE HA HE HA

I am trying to find where Jesus said to cloth and feed those in need by stealing from those who work. If the money comes out of your pocket, find but don’t steal from others.

This is one of the few things i have heard her say that has relevance and truth in it. It’s too bad she and her mate don’t believe it, and moreso, live their lives accordingly.