
Incredible Image of Saturn Backlit by the Sun

Birth Control Works11/13/2013 9:36:59 am PST

re: #346 Mattand

The superstition part had a lot to do with me finally going atheist.

This group won’t eat pork, this group won’t eat meat on specific days; this group thinks dogs are the Devil’s minions; this town can’t purchase booze on Sundays; you can’t wear this or that because God will kill you; etc.

If it works for you, fine. At this point, to me, much of it is a bunch of arbitrary rules that make little sense in a modern society.

The reasons behind many of the “rules” do make sense, but most people don’t or won’t try to understand them. It’s just easier to condemn those who won’t “stand on their head for no reason when told to do.”

If you get what I mean … .