
Watch Live: Eric Holder Speaks About the DOJ Report on Ferguson

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing3/04/2015 5:10:31 pm PST

re: #345 HappyWarrior

What makes the CSA though so awful is what it was founded for. I have no love for the USSR obviously but the USSR was at least founded on egalitarian principles. The CSA OTOH………It definitely is the least deserving of romaniticization regime I’ve ever seen though. Really, I’d love to hear Neo-Confederates what was so great about those four years of Jefferson Davis’s presidency.

Oh, I wasn’t excusing their shittyness AT ALL. I was just pointing out that there’s a lot of crap in human history, so I don’t think I can call them “the worst.” That’s a shared medal.

(and it was, IIRC, the mint juleps.)