
Hitchens on Palin: 'A Disgraceful Opportunist and Real Moral Coward'

brookly red12/15/2009 4:26:15 pm PST

re: #345 LudwigVanQuixote


CO2 is a GHG. This is settled.

The more of it you have in your atmosphere, with a star like our sun at least, the warmer you must get. This is settled.

We have increased CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere by more than 50% since the beginning of the century.

This too is settled.

When ice gets warmer, it melts. WOuld you believe that this too is settled science?

Ice reflects more light than water does. This to is settled.

So I have given you the driver and a primary feedback.

Both are settled.

Care to challenge any of those points? They are truly sufficient to see that there must be a problem.

can’t you just go back to your Malkin leather fantasies & stop calling other people bitches? you really did play your self with that one…