
Video: Buchanan Advocates Torture for NW 253 Suspect

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/29/2009 12:53:21 pm PST

re: #306 SasyMomaCat

Thanks for the response. You indicated that there were all sorts whom you admire with the suggestion that they would make good spokespeople and would move toward rational folk reclaiming the “conservative” movement. From your response, I presume that means none of any prominence, as those long gone would not be effective as spokespeople. Could you suggest some names of individuals who are not prominent? If rational people become aware of them, they have the strong potential of actually becoming prominent …

The two that most strongly spring to mind have no desire to be in politics anymore or at all.

Powell and Schwartzkopf. Though it is not clear to me that they could rise to prominence in todays arena as politicians without selling their souls.