
Obama Family Gets a New Puppy, Daily Caller Says: "The Obamas Do Not Have Any White Dogs"

Targetpractice8/20/2013 2:02:33 pm PDT

re: #325 Jack Burton

THe TOS movies were great (of course I’m not counting ST:V because that was an abonimation).

TMP was a big screen version of what happened in many TOS episodes. Dealing with an out of control machine/anomaly/natural phenomena. It’s only flaw was being inaccessible to non-trekkies.

TWOK-SFS-TVH was “The Trilogy” and covered all of the bases that good TOS stories did (super villain, klingons, anomaly), and had the bonus of being accessible to non-trekkies.

The Undiscovered Country, a few flaws aside, was an excellent send off for the crew and old Enterprise.

Then TNG movies came and ruined everything.

The TNG films can’t really be said to have failed for one uniform reason. Generations failed because the studio hadn’t wanted to spend a whole lot of money on the film and because the TOS cast didn’t really want to be involved in another movie. First Contact did well as an action film, but as noted did so by stripping all the things that were good about the TV show. Insurrection failed because of the glaring differences in Picard’s character from the show as well as the whole “technology is bad” BS. And Nemesis…the less said, the better.