
Thursday Night Acoustic Excellence: Punch Brothers: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing3/20/2015 9:06:24 am PDT

Has someone mentioned this?
Adult Lawmaker Ruins Children’s Bill Submission With Anti-Abortion Joke

A group of New Hampshire fourth-graders who traveled to the state’s capital in Concord to learn about the joys of civic engagement were given a surprisingly realistic picture of the American legislative process after one lawmaker used their bill—a proposal to name the red-tailed hawk the official state raptor—as an opportunity to rail against the evils of abortion.

House Bill 373—drafted, again by a group of nine- and 10-year-old elementary school students—was discussed on the New Hampshire House floor yesterday after the class managed to pass it through the body’s environment and agriculture committee.

Republican State Rep. Warren Groen said the following of the proposal:

“(The red-tailed hawk) mostly likes field mice and small rodents. It grasps them with its talons and then uses its razor sharp beak to rip its victims to shreds and then basically tear it apart, limb from limb. And I guess the shame about making this the state bird is it would make a much better mascot for Planned Parenthood.”