
Awful Right Wing Twitter Troll Todd Kincannon Arrested for Domestic Violence

Higgs Boson's Mate4/07/2015 9:02:18 am PDT

Remember this 2010 Rand Paul great idea?

(Newser) - Border fence proposals are a dime a dozen among Republican candidates, but Rand Paul’s is different: it’s underground, and it’s electrified. “My plans include an underground electric fence, with helicopter stations to respond quickly to breaches of the border,” state the Kentucky senatorial hopeful’s website—although Republican officials approached by the Huffington Post seemed baffled by the proposal.

“I have not heard that,” said National Republican Senate Committee Chair John Cornyn. “Underground? What would happen? How would that work?” Paul’s aides declined to elaborate on his fence plans, which, the Post notes, would likely cost well over $1 billion to implement and require the seizure of some private land, a move sharply at odds with Rand’s libertarian philosophy.

IIRC, Paul also claimed that his fence could be constructed for a lower price per running foot than Home Depot plastic white picket fence. Good times.