
Fox Business Debate: Republican Bad Ideas That Stopped Living, Part 3

lawhawk11/11/2015 8:34:14 am PST

Donald Trump, friend of the rich, and screw the poor:

Wages are too high. Yes. That’s what he said:

Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump argued during the Tuesday-night Fox Business Network debate that US wages are “too high” — and he didn’t back off the next morning when pressed.

“It’s a tough position politically,” Trump admitted during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high. Everything is too high. We have to compete with other countries.”

This is the GOP position. Reduce the quality of life for everyone else because we have to compete.

That’s why Trump outsourced his clothing line to China and Mexico - to maximize his profits, while screwing Americans who might be tempted to buy his crap.