
Awesome New Snarky Puppy-Ish Music: Bokanté, "Jou Ké Ouvè"

can't think of a decent username1/24/2017 8:37:36 am PST

So I found this thing the Women’s March folks are doing — 10 Actions in 100 Days — and I really like the idea in theory. But I’m concerned their first action (send postcards to your senators listing your concerns) crashes and burn in practice, at least for me.

First of all, I have way, way too many concerns to fit on a postcard. Second, my senators are wingnut sociopaths, and I suspect they’d round-file anything I sent to them. At any rate, sending them mail saying “I want you to vote against every single thing you’ve ever claimed to support, and also you’re supporting this fascist yam, so please go back to Russia” is probably not a good way to maintain a useful dialog. :/