
Kepler: Searching for Another Earth

subsailor683/07/2009 1:05:43 pm PST

OT, but kind of a joke on me.

I deliver Meals on Wheels on Fridays. Yesterday had a new senior added to my route. Had a little envelope with her name and address on it.

When I got to the house, I knocked and announced “Meals on Wheels”. When there’s no answer, we check to see if the door is unlocked (to check on our folks). It was open, so I stepped in and called out again. No answer.

So, using our standard ops, I put her meal in the refrigerator for her.

I got back to the senior center just as the coordinator was on the phone with this lady.

Turns out, the address on my little envelope was wrong, and I’d put the meal in the refrigerator of her neighbors across the street.

Wonder what they thought when they got home that night and found a tasty, freshly prepared meal in their refrigerator?