
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Sharmuta4/29/2009 1:26:19 pm PDT

re: #340 Bloodnok

While I agree with you about his lack of character, I can’t help but remember the 107th and 108th congresses and the lack of “lets get rid of him” calls when he was needed to complete the R majority. I’m not defending him (I am outraged by his lack of fiscal sense in helping pass the Stimulous Bill), I am just saying there will always be center, or center-left Republicans.

The Republican Party should be examining the faults in its own foundation that led to a situation in which the votes of 3 or 4 RINOs (I hate that term, btw) are so important in the first place. If the party had its act together for the last two elections they would either have a majority or would be in a larger minority and Snowe/Specter/Collins votes would be safely neutralized. But their presence helped tip the majority to the Rs in the 107th and 108th. They serve a purpose. And we can’t overlook good, fiscally conservative candidates who might be more centrist on some issues because we are afraid of the three I just mentioned.

I think the party should have room for civil disagreements over social issues, but when it comes to fiscal restraint, we should all be able to agree. If we can’t agree on that one basic foundational aspect of conservatism, then what good are we?