
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

TheMatrix318/05/2009 6:31:46 pm PDT

re: #325 mich-again

So is moving to the right a better course? Or should they stay right where they are.

I said whether that statement is true or not. I never said anything about moving more to the right. I’d prefer for them to have a defined message excluding and condemning the lunatics first, saying this isn’t who we are, and this isn’t who we’re coming. Then you decide from there. The message, whatever they want it to be, has to be defined first.

Just give me politicians with testicles that aren’t afraid to call out bullshit, that aren’t afraid to stand up to our enemies, that won’t recklessly spend everything we have, that won’t let everyone and their mothers come into the country illegally, that won’t bend over backwards for people, that will allow states to control social issues…etc

That’s all I want, and that’s all we need. Define the message, make it clear and understandable (WHY conservatism is the correct choice can often be a confusing thing to explain), and people will follow.